I was totally going to post this second wallpaper in the WALLPAPER TRIFECTA series like... five days ago, but last Wednesday I accidentally put "Whip My Hair" on repeat on my iTunes, and I've been whipping my hair back and forth the whole time. I didn't even shower, and I think I have some kind of neck condition now, so you really should be feeling sorry for me instead of judging me.
As promised, here is the second wallpaper in the series.
I wanted to capture the 60s feel of the video, and also the post-apocalyptic theme of the song. I also liked the bikes. That part makes me all tingly. So, I finally decided to draw a monster family riding bikes through the desert. Most of this one was done in Illustrator, so I did some fairly rough sketches and just scanned them in. Here are the originals:

After I scanned the sketches, I cleaned them up and changed the faces (some a little, some a lot) and adjusted the perspective on each one. After the characters were done, everything went to Photoshop so I could make it look all nubbly.
Enjoy, the final wallpaper will be posted sometime in the next week.
Gotta keep you on your toes.

Until next time...